Students » Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)


MTSS is an evidence based model of schooling that incorporates data-based problem-solving to integrate academic, behavioral, and social/emotional instruction and intervention. Integrated instruction and intervention is delivered to all students in varying intensities or multiple tiers based on student need. 


MTSS involves the systematic use of multi-source assessment data to most efficiently allocate resources in order to improve learning for all students, through integrated academic and behavioral supports.

To ensure efficient use of resources, schools begin with the identification of trends and patterns using school-wide and grade level data. Students who need instructional intervention beyond what is provided universally for positive behavior or academic content areas are provided with targeted, supplemental interventions delivered individually or in small groups at increasing levels of intensity.

MTSS is characterized by a continuum of integrated academic and behavioral supports reflecting the need for students to have access to instruction and supports of varying intensity levels as needed.

Three Tiers

Three tiers describe the level and intensity of the instruction/interventions provided across the continuum.

Tier I- is what “ALL” students receive in the form of instruction (academic and behavioral/social-emotional) and student supports. The focus at this level is on the implementation of the district's CORE curriculum.  This support is typically provided by classroom teachers and general education support staff.

Tier II- is what “SOME” students receive in addition to Tier I instruction. Purpose of Tier II instruction and supports is to improve student performance under Tier I performance expectations. Tier II services are more intense than Tier I and can be provided by a variety of professionals (general education and or remedial teachers, behavior specialist, program specialist, itinerant special education staff) in any setting. Examples include social skills groups, Response to Intervention (RtI) reading/math support, peer mentoring, contracts and counseling. 

Tier III-is what “FEW” students receive. It serves as the most intense service-level that can be provided to a student.  Typically, Tier III services are provided to very small groups and or individual students. Tier III services help students overcome significant barriers to learning academic or behavior skills required for school success and require more time and a more narrow focus of instruction/intervention than Tier II services.

If you have a concern (academic, behavioral or social/emotional) about your child, please reach out to your  classroom teacher who will guide you through the appropriate steps to ensure your child has the right supports in place. Linda Vista has the following supports available on site:

  • School wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
  • Student Study Team (A team of teachers, special education staff, and administration who meet to discuss individual needs of general education students struggling in one or more area)
  • Targeted Small Group Instruction (also known as Response to Intervention)-provided by the classroom teacher and/or support staff
  • English Language Development Teacher
  • Clinical Intern Counselor
  • Registered Behavior Technician
  • School Psychologist
  • Speech-Language Therapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Academic Specialist (RSP Teacher)
  • 504 Support Plans
  • Individual Education Plan (Special Education IEPs)
  • College Interns